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Educational Content

How to Relax Fast After Work

Posted by Natalie Engler RN OHN, Clinic Director, Horizon Edmonton on Jul 3, 2018 11:33:00 AM

Man relax afternoon sun

After getting home from a long day’s work, many of us like to take a few minutes to relax before we move on with our daily responsibilities, commitments and activities. To do that effectively, it’s critical that we help our bodies relax naturally by learning ways to reduce stress and improve mood. After all, knowing how to relax is vital for ensuring overall health and wellbeing.

The Stress Response

Ongoing everyday stress wears the body down and can create many health problems. The nervous system isn’t very good at recognizing the difference between emotional and physical threats. If you tend to get stressed out frequently, which is very common due to the demanding work and home lives that we lead today, your body may find itself often in a heightened state of stress. This can lead to high blood pressure, heartburn, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, headaches, depression, anxiety, autoimmune diseases, weight problems and it can even speed up the aging process!

This doesn’t mean that stress as a whole is bad. In small doses, stress prepares us for emergencies and motivates us to take action. When you sense danger whether its real or imagined, the body’s defenses kick into high gear in a rapid automatic process known as the “fight or flight response” or the “stress response”.  This helps us stay focused, energetic and alert, which in an emergency can save our lives.

The Relaxation Response

The relaxation response is the exact opposite of the stress response. It allows your autonomic nervous system to bring about balance. It will decrease your heart rate, blood pressure, respirations and allows your body time to heal.

Deep breathing is one way to bring on the relaxation response and calm your nervous system. The 4-7-8 exercise is one example of a relaxation technique. To practise this technique, simply inhale through your nose for four seconds, hold your breath for 7 seconds, then exhale over the course of 8 seconds. Usually 10 cycles of this technique will bring about calmness. It really works and is much more effective than Candy Crush!

Yoga, meditation and tai chi are also excellent practises to follow daily to offset the effects of stress. There are several guided meditations available on YouTube. One that we like is Guided meditation for Detachment from over thinking with Michael Sealey. Another one is Abraham Hicks Meditation. Having it on before sleeping can enhance your rest.

Exercise and walking is another great method to help you relax. Try to become mindful in your movements and notice your environment as you walk.

Be gentle with yourself, relaxation takes practise. “Do not dwell in the past. Do not dream of the future. Concentrate your mind on the present moment.” – Budda

If you’d like to learn more about the benefits of stress and relaxation in the workplace, contact us at marketing@horizonohs.com.

Tags: Mental Health