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Educational Content

1 in 3 of Your Employees Are Sleep Deprived - Are Ready to Make a Change?

Posted by Horizon on Jan 10, 2019 3:11:55 PM

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Sleep deprivation has long been associated with acute cognitive impairment; however, more recent findings suggest that both the acute and long-term health implications of sleep deprivation are even broader and more complex than initially believed. 

Studies suggest that a whooping 1 in 3 Canadians are chronically sleep deprived, making Canada the third most sleep deprived country in the developed world! Not only is sleep deprivation having a devastating impact on health, some reports suggests that sleep deprivation is costing the Canadian economy about $21.4 billion (USD) per year due to lost employee productivity.

It’s been reported that inadequate sleep among employees results in a 162% greater chance of a work-related injury as well as a significantly increased risk of motor vehicle crashes. One study found that employees with poor sleep habits were less able to perform their work tasks over time, costing organizations thousands of dollars.


Download your FREE Ultimate Sleep Guide to discover the importance of sleep for a safe and productive workplace.

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Tags: Injury Prevention