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Educational Content

Healthy eating and fitness tips for those of us working on the road

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Diet and fitness pros, Andrea Stokes and Robert Cahill, provide helpful eating and fitness tips for those of us working on the road. Easy to follow in a hotel room with a limited amount of time, these tips and tricks will suit any schedule!

Eating Healthy on the Road

Without a doubt, the biggest challenge for many of us when on the road is eating healthy. Maintaining a healthy diet can be challenging at any time, particularly when you don’t have access to your own kitchen! Everyone loves to indulge in delicious cuisine but we must remember that moderation is key.

Often, you look to grab something quick and easy during your busy work day or when your day finally winds down. In these situations the best snacks to nibble on and suppress your hunger are fruits and raw veggies, mixed nuts, or granola bars.

If you need to rely on fast options, simple substitutions can help you maintain a healthy diet.

  • Choose grilled vs crispy/fried
  • Choose mustard, salsa, low-fat mayo, and vinaigrette dressings over creamy sauces and condiments
  • Skip the extra salt and avoid processed foods
  • Pile on veggies whenever you can, including choosing a salad over fries
  • Always choose water as your beverage and avoid sugary drinks, alcohol and excessive caffeine (water helps combat fatigue and reduces effects of jet lag)

When travelling aim to consume 8 ounces of water for every hour of travel, and casually drink water throughout the day to ensure you are properly hydrated.  Don’t forget to pack that water bottle, wherever you go!

Flexible Fitness Routines

We all know travelling can be hectic, but daily life at home can be just as hectic – if you can find time at home, you can do it on the road! Most hotels have a fitness facility, and if not, you can perform quality exercise right in your hotel room! These exercises will only take you 10 to 30 minutes.

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Pro tip: To stay committed to your fitness regimen – pack your gym gear and leave it on the top of your clothes in your suitcase.

Tags: Nutrition, Fitness